Saturday, January 1, 2011


I'm usually pretty stubborn about 'resolutions' thinking it's a joke cause we get distracted so easily and don't even accomplish a portion of these goals, especially if we say "lose weight". Well, duh!? Of course we all want to loose weight but I've decided if I want to set a goal, I have to admit it to everyone and BE specific. So, I really want to change my holier than thou attitude (some of you are breathing a sigh of relief and saying 'FINALLY!' lol) and make some goals that I really want to accomplish and hopefully this year. (they will be in red while not accomplished but turn yellow when I'm making progress and be green once accomplished.)

I really want to have a secure babysitting set up for the gems I parent.
I need to go on dates with Michael even if I'm tired or have other things on my mind.
I plan to be more physically active so I can loose the loose skin on my body and have more energy.
GO TO BED EARLIER THAN 2 AM!!! Specifically, try to get to bed by 1130pm. (please say a quick prayer for me)
EAT. Eat better, more often, no fast food unless we're on a driving trip, make my lunch and dinner at home for work, no soda/lemonade/punch during the week - only water,
Research more food and meals to make for Evan besides 'the usuals'.
Don't forget about Cora's needs and development (the girl is so good and silent, you forget she has needs too!).
Read my scriptures daily on my own and with Michael.
Work harder to save money we will need to afford a larger home.
Make time for girlfriends
Be kinder and more patient to Michael. Speak kindly of him to others, always.
Communicate better with Michael so we can keep the house and kids rooms clean.
Have more purposeful fast's on the first Sunday of the month.
Pay off my car sooner.
Get more information on getting my food storage started and start it up!
Take more family day trips on Saturdays and see more of Tennessee or surrounding states.
Finish my projects.

Thanks to my friend Mary, I have read the list below and have taken it to heart. I really do try to live them already but I hope to actually accomplish most of them if not all, every day. I hope it also inspires you.


Mend a quarrel
Seek out a forgotten friend
Dismiss suspicion and replace it with trust
Write a letter
Give a soft answer
Encourage youth
Manifest your loyalty in word and deed
Keep a promise
Forgo a grudge
Forgive an enemy
Try to understand
Examine your demands on others
Think first of someone else
Be kind
Be gentle
Laugh a little more
Express your gratitude
Welcome a stranger
Gladden the heart of a child
Take pleasure in the beauty and wonder of the earth
Speak your love and then speak it again
(by the way... it's 2:08 :(, I'm not starting off the way I wanted but there's always tomorrow...)

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