Sunday, January 23, 2011


Mike and I woke up from our peaceful Sunday afternoon nap, to find this...
1. this blog post title typed in the computer.
2. keys methodically removed from the left half of my laptop and removed keys neatly placed in one half of a 'barrel of monkeys' barrel.
3. one guiltly looking 2 year old saying, "why did you break that?", "why'd you do that" etc etc over and over 'scolding' himself then after being punished said with big brown eyes staring right through you (we averted our eyes but did give in).... "Oval-Teen?". :/, sigh.....


Jessica said...

I laughed!!!!! And then I laughed some more when I saw it was labeled under "milestones." Ovaltine!

Anonymous said...

Very busy little boy! Love, Mom

Cher said...

How do kids get those keys off? Smart kid. I am not a big Ovaltine fan, but members of my family LOVE it.

Carrie and Nathan said...

Hilarious! Well, not so much for you! haha

Ashley Jane said...


Ashley Jane said...

AAAHAHAHAHA, I just lol'd again after reading your friends comment and realizing you tagged this as a "milestone" hahaha

lovely dear juanita said...

oh boy, Evan! EEK!!!