Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Overheard Shopping Conversations

I braved taking both children to Kroger with me today. Evan is MUCH better about staying with me if I let go of his hand for 2 seconds but still, he's 2 1/2 and has his own plans so I try to avoid errands and have too much pride to ask someone else to watch them while I go alone. lol. Well, it was a total pay off cause they were both little angels at the dollar store so were rewarded at Kroger by letting them ride together in the little car on the front of the cart. As far as I remember, this is Cora's first time in one and she was a scene stealer (as usual, ha ha ha). Let me back up and say Evan got in BIG trouble earlier today. I left them loose in the living room/kitchen to go get dressed (for all of 4minutes) for the day when I heard Cora's hurt and scared cry pierce the air. I ran in the kitchen to find Evan pinned her down between the back door and unforgiving stainless steal trash can, smashing her head between the two. He knew exactly what he was doing and needless to day, I raised my voice for him to get off of her, spanked him and sent him to time out (as I took a "time out" myself soon after). Later he said he was very sorry and "don't hurt Cora Grace". Fast forward to the Grocery store... I had video'd them for daddy cause they were so adorable in there together and he was as work and wouldn't want him to miss this moment. :) The second video is a 're shoot' of the conversation Evan was having with Cora but the 2nd take was MUCH more adorable and sweet as once, he got her to look at him, he just melted and smiled lol. Anyway, I was shopping, the kids were being cute and good when all the sudden Cora did her cry again (it was bottle and bed time for her so even a little thing could make her mad). I started to react when I looked closer to find Evan grabbing her face saying; "Look at me. Look at me Cora... (forcing her face towards him) Do NOT touch." LMBO!! He was verbatum reciting what I say on an hourly basis to him!!!! Apparently C.G. must have reached out of the car to touch a shelf item and he totally busted her! ha ha ha. Usually he just tattles that she is "BARFTING" (yes with a 'T'). Anyway, I love the take 2 captured in this 2nd video and am about to go watch it like 10 more times. ;)


lovely dear juanita said...

Oh my goodness. This is SO cute! I applaud you for taking even Evan to the grocery. Just this week Serif decided it's fun to to laps around the isles. How embarrassing! We're having to regroup and figure out the best way to break this . . . besides him growing up. ha! For some reason I can't view the 2nd video, but will try again later. I'm so bummed.

lovely dear juanita said...

darn. still no luck with the 2nd video. boo. =(