Friday, April 8, 2011

If you haven't checked it out lately, my friend Gretchen and her family, of whom I have an Adoption Spotlight at the Top of my Blog, has been kicking it into high gear for raising money to pay for their potential adoption. They do not have a baby yet but need the funds to pay for the cost when their baby does come. They are honest people and will not use your donations for dinner at Steak n' Shake, I promise (although, that does sound really good right now... mmm frisco melt... i love you). They have some fun things you can get involved with that I encourage you to participate in if you can. I am gathering things for their upcoming yard sale and will see if I can afford to donate something from my Chop Shop for her to raffle. I believe in this family's quest to find their not yet family member and will continue to support them where I can as often as I can. Please tell a friend and maybe you too have something to donate to her yard sale. You can even give things to me so when she makes a pick up, she'll have to bring a whole truck just for my houses donated items. When I did an adoption yard sale, a client donated an old dresser and couch! They sold immediately and made us over $100.00 we wouldn't have had so passing this on is part of paying it forward. Have a beautiful day everyone. xo lila

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