Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Father - Son Sleepover" Party"

Evan was still awake and talking to himself at 1030pm (bedtime was 8pm) tonight. What else is a parent to do but after scolding him so many times we were loosing our voices... but to get him up and let him go in our bedroom to watch sports with daddy while mommy watches Dancing With the Stars in the family room in peace! :) After about 10 minutes of 'peace', I get a picture text from Mike (13 feet away). Apparently Evan kept playing with my head bands and hair clips by the bed and told daddy to wear some too. :) It is perfect. Evan is lucky to have a daddy who doesn't mind wearing women's accessories! lol. :)

(clarification on cg's mysterious bumpy skin. she was given a clean bill of health today from our Pediatrician. saturday morning i noticed she had a grouping of zit/blackhead like bumps clustered on her right knee and later on her left ankle. i was concerned it could be staph or something but it didn't itch and she didn't have a fever. after the dr. today we learned it was nothing contagious nor is there really any medicine for it (boo!). because it's a contact dermititus, there's nothing really to do but keep it cleaned and maybe cortizone cream could help. i believe she got it from playing on the playground at our local elementary school on saturday morning. i hear that is something we have to 'look forward' to once they start school. 'can't wait'. now she has allergies or a cold or something and her nose has been running down to the floor for 2 days. poor thing but she'll make it. thank you for your concern, sorry to worry anyone)


Anonymous said...

Lucky Michael, Lila and Evan. Unlucky Cora, "her nose has been running down to the floor for 2 days." Very graphic! Hahahaha. Love you all. YFM

Neely Fam said...

Glad to know I`m not the only Dad that does stuff like this in the name of comedy.