Sunday, September 11, 2011

Where were we?

September 11, 2001. Mike and I lived in my parents ("finished") barn in California. I had a job at a hair salon, he with an Asphalt company. Neither of us had to be to work before 9am and usually slept in till the very last moment (no earlier than 830a lol). At around 7-730a I think, our phone started ringing and woke us up. No one ever called that early and we were even more surprised for it to be my mother in law in Tennessee. She asked if we were watching T.V. then encouraged us to turn it on to see the news. I don't remember any more conversation with her. We both just sat there in stunned silence. So much was happening and being reported, we couldn't tell what was Live and what was play back. For me it just kept feeling like we (USA) were being attacked over and over till I got my barrings. Once I understood better, I called my parents in the main house of our property to tell them what was going on. My younger sister Jenalyn answered, she'd been exercising and watching what was happening. I remember feeling she had no idea what was really happening, she wasn't worried at all and hadn't told my parents what she was seeing. More proof how confusing and shocking this all was. We made sure my parents were watching. By this time the Pentagon was hit and I was in real fear. Somewhere in this chaos, I called my childhood friend Holly who lived in Connecticut at the time, to see if she was ok since she worked in a high rise building and evacuating cause I didn't know what was happening. It just seemed these people were flying planes into everything and I was scared. Even though there were no reports of the West coast being hit, I felt an eminent threat. After the last plane went down in Pennsylvania, I didn't want to go to work. I assumed clients would be as stunned and sad as I was but when I called work they said I was still booked, some even calling to make sure that "I" would be there. I just couldn't believe I was going to work on such a day. I was numb. Of course it was the topic of every breath and feeling in every awkward silence. Like most people, once home, I was GLUED to the television for days/week. This was a declaration of war IN the United States, on our soil. It was the ultimate burst of our innocence and naive lives. I was heartbroken and tearful for every death. The innocent people and families effected on the airplanes, in the WTC's and Pentagon. I was very depressed and even now, 10 years later, it is still sad that this event happened.
If I have to find something to be grateful for, I can only say, I am glad we are aware or more aware of these threats in our lives... but that doesn't help those lost on 9/11/01.
Today I have watched and gone to the Internet to watch/read/hear the stories again. I am uplifted to hear from families who have been able to pick up the pieces and move forward. I am sad for the families who have struggled to heal. I hope the memorial and new WTC will stand for healing, hope and resistance from Evil for all the world. I will continue to try to do my part to make a difference in my small ways, to make the world a better place. I will start by educating my own children with my experiences, hoping they will be prepared to stand up for righteousness when they face adversity. I pray we and they will prevail. I hope any of you that are grieving will be comforted and given peace. God bless you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you. YFM