I'm 15 months!
It's kind of random to document 15 months but Cora Grace is changing and growing so much I can't help it.
This dress is a gift from a family friend, Betty, in Nashville. I'm not sure what you call these dresses but they are extremely popular in the South, almost a 'must have' for a true southern child, in my observations. They are hand stitched I believe and quite a special effort is made in making every one. (that explaination is for my west coast friends/family to appreciate our special gift) Of course, Cora looks adorable in it, especially with her crazy curls.
Here are some things she is up to:
LOVES BABY DOLLS!!! She runs to them, grabs them up, kisses them and throws them up over her shoulder before waddling away with it on her shoulder. Adorable.
This baby is a fish. Loves water like her big brother but is more fearless then him in it (if that's possible). If she is in water, she is pushing her face in it quickly then coming back up with a gigantic grin and laughing. :)
Is so loving. Anyone who is sad or down, children or adults, she goes to see how they are doing and wants to comfort them. Maybe she'll want to be a baby nurse!
I love watching her naturally drawn towards girl things and ways. I gave her a little baby purse the other day and she immediately pulled it up on her shoulder and walked around with it.
She never goes in public with out a stranger stopping to compliment her cuteness. We went to see Thomas Train on Saturday and a Grandpa saw her from behind, across the room. He came up to see if she was as cute from the front. After he confirmed it, he called to his daughter who was on her cell phone then went to inturupt her on the call so she could verify. :) When she turned around, phone still in one ear, holding a young toddler on her other hip, she GASPED and goo gooed and ga ga'ed at Cora. It was more hilarious than flattering but definately sweet. The Grandpa was gushing over her then caught himself and looked at me to ask, "Well, you probably hear that all the time". lol. I must have had a crazy look on my face but I was honestly enjoying his reaction to her. I actually should have taken his picture cause he looked just like her with curly white hair. It was cute. Also, today our family did a little shopping today so we split up. Mike had Cora and later told me that at checkout of their store, the checker looked up and was taken aback. She said,"she took my breath away". Ahh... She takes our breath away every day. We are just so pleased to have these babies and their spirits in our home.
Something I think is cute is the fact that CG can run. She also jumps on Evan's jog trampoline (when he isn't looking of course, or he'd tackle her. very posessive) and is so gutsy on it!
Her CURLS! Ugh! They are so cute. She is a mess in the bangs and won't wear a bow (for very long) to keep them out of her face. :) I'm working on training her to like them. :) he he he.
She's STILL always happy (to be fair, so was Evan at this age) but she also, always content. Since she doesn't talk at all still, she's also so quiet and stealth.
Cora is SNEAKY! She gets away with everything. Evan totally get's blamed for things she does. Luckily he is very honest and I trust him to tell me the truth so I find out he didn't do it. She's also becoming more understanding and more 'helpful' by: putting things back, throwing trash away, if I ask her to put something in my room or in the hallway, she understands and does it. Something hilarious she does is knows when she's doing somthing she shouldn't and runs away from you giggling. Nothing is more adorable then that. Ok, there's lots of other equally adorable things but for today, it's pretty darn cute.
She likes to do what ever Evan is doing but is also content to be on her own.
She is so attached right now :/. It makes you feel good as a mom that she wants you but you feel bad when you have to leave her :(. Last week, leaving her at day care, she anticipated me dropping her off in her suite so she layed her head down on my shoulder and tightened her grip. so sad! Of course (they both) break my heart when I leave and they cry. boo hoo!
A fast eater. Since she was born, she started by INHAILING her bottles and now that she eats food, it's like she's in a contest. ha ha ha. Something else she does is if you give her the first bite of food, she will spit it out till she figures out the texture first. In my opinion, part of the reason for this is the fact our 2nd child has NEVER been fed with utensils and she likes to feel her food (unless you count her digets as utensils. lol. Poor girl.).
When you give her her cream IKEA knit blanket, she melts into it. It's the one she's wrapped up in before she goes to sleep. It makes her happy :).
SHE IS A MONKEY! Doesn't like to be held for too long cause she loves to explore, tries to climb and she gets into EVERYTHING. If there is a toybox, she has it emptied in 7 seconds flat. Cute now but quickly getting UN-cute. ha ha ha.
Loves to be chased and is starting to come get you too.
We are so in love with this baby. She does take our breath away every day. We feel so lucky to be parents to our children and Cora Grace just sweetens the pot. xoxoxo
Of course she is so cute!! I love those curls of hers!
I WANT THAT DRESS! Three of them! How stinkin' cute is that baby of yours!? Makes me wish I could see her in person to ooohh and ahh face to face!
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