Tuesday, September 20, 2011


Today we had to take CG to the doctor to see what some bumps she has on her knees are (contact dermatitis? from letting her - who has eczema - play on an elementary school jungle gym on Saturday). Annnnyway, Evan had was very excited to see Dr. Coleman as well, even asking her "can I stay here with you?" She is such a good sport and invited him to partake of a sticker instead.

Dr. Coleman: "Evan, do you want a sticker?"
Evan: "Yes!"
Dr. Coleman: "Ok, which one, here is a Hot Wheels one..."
Evan: "(inaudible)"
Dr. Coleman: "Do you want a Hot Wheels sticker?"
Evan: "No, I want Cold Wheels one."

ha ha ha hah ah a hah ha hah ah ahahhaha ha ha hah ah ... That made my day.


Vivian said...

I miss Dr. Coleman! She is such a great doctor. :)

Meghan said...

Funny! My friend took her daughter to dr. coleman today for a rash. What did he say?

Anonymous said...

Always thinking!!!!! Love YFM