Thursday, August 18, 2011

"Home" again. smile.

Old/New boss :)

Some of the new faces to welcome you and make your appointments :).

Same ol' place. Ahhhh. :)
I'm back at Tangerine! OH HOW I LOVE IT! It is crazy how much I have missed my AVEDA products and especially the color line for my poor clients who put up with a Matrix inferior color for 3 years. I got back and saw old faces but mostly new faces. I'm impressed with my new co-workers skill and Mike and I love my boss Jim. He's owned Tangerine with 4 others since it's inception but recently bought out two of the owners who were ready to move on. That meant, I was ready to come back! Whoo hoo! :) Now I need to rebuild my book to be as busy as I once was, even though I only still work 2 - 3 days a week, I know I can do it and am excited.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad you are so happy there. The people all look happy there which would make me feel happy to go there and the good skills even better. It looks very nice. Is that a dark orange? It's calming but exhilarating! Interesting. I'm sooo glad that this change for you and the children, and probably Michael is all that you hoped for. Love you. YFM