Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Toddler Prayers and other such things

Evan has taken the initiative to say our family prayers lately. When we have our family prayers at night Mike is usually still at work so he hears my prayers all the time. I admit, I can be repetitive in my prayer beginnings but I promise, I really mean it so I say it every time almost, then the body of the prayer changes to new things I'm thankful for and blessing's I'm seeking. Evan will begin with the same 2 sentences now. :) I wish I had a better memory and gave myself more time to document the other things he's prayed for lately but here was tonight's bed time prayer (he also blessed our food this afternoon naming the carrots, corn, 'dip it'/ketsup and macaroni. he wasn't too thankful for the other veggies or his fish sticks I guess, ha ha ha):
I got him started with "Dear Heavenly Father"....

Evan: "Dear Heavenly Father, Thank you for this day. Thank you for our blessing... Thank you for Pizza and Ranch Dressing. In the Name of Jesus Christ, Amen."

We did not have pizza today or in the last week or two, unless Mike gave them some Saturday but that was the last time he would have had it. It is very curious what goes on in these little minds.

Right now, when Evan gets punished in Time Out, he has to tell me why he was in T.O. after he is freed from doing his time. It totally cracks us up that when he comes over, you say "Why were you in Time Out" but he is mimicking you AS you say it. Next, he cannot remember WHY he's in t.o., hilarious in itself but then, he says, "Because...." (waiting for you to give him a hint, he searches your eyes very innocently until you help him out. which he continues to mimic your every word...)... "you, hit Cora Grace... and that is very naughty. Tell me you are sorry, 'I'm sorry' (hugs and kisses me) and tell Cora Grace you are sorry and give her a hug." EVERY word of the parentheses section is repeated right after you say it. It is beyond hilarious. I've tried videoing it before but he just gets distracted by the phone filming him. :/ bummer!

Yesterday I was trying to decide if I should have a birthday party for him this year or just have cake etc with our family. I asked him if he had a party, who would he want to have over. Not surprised, he said, "Hayden! and Logen, and Liz.... and Daddy Hayden." lol he doesn't remember H's daddy's name and last time he talked about him, he just called him "Daddy" so "Daddy H" is an improvement. :)

Today we spent a little time at our friend Stacey's. While at her house, Evan pointed out that her pie shaped coffee table was "a piece of pizza". :) We both laughed.

In an effort to avoid Nap Time on Monday, Evan begged to call Daddy so we did. It back fired on him cause Daddy backed me up and told Evan it was nap time. Well, in another of Evan's new 'things' Daddy turning him down from obeying Nap time didn't deter him from trying to avoid his bed prison time so he next begged to talk to Grandma Putsie. (testing authority around him till he gets his way) She is in California, 2 hours behind in time zones but she has talked to him on the phone before and he apparently thinks she will be allies with him. Again, disappointment when she wasn't there but he did get to leave 2 messages so maybe he thinks he got his way. I got nothing, he didn't sleep. No one won that day. :/.

Sunday night Evan would NOT go to sleep. Even though he went to bed at 8pm and seemed extremely sleepy, he was still up and full on talking at 1030pm. I went in to punish him but he was Johnny on the spot, asking if he could come out and "sit with you for a minute on the couch?" How do you say no to that? I know I should and could but I didn't say no, I told him he could sit on the couch by me for 5 minutes. When that time was nearing an end, he asked if he could get down and play, I said, "no you may not, it's time for bed again." Looking now at Mike without skipping a beat, he said "Daddy, can I get down and play for a minute?" (everything's for 'a minute'. mommy says that a lot). DENIED! but very entertaining.

Lastly, sometime in the last few 7 days/week, we have let Evan start sleeping with a flashlight. We loved it because for 2 nights he went immediately asleep for the excitement to play with the flashlight. We went in to check on him and the flashlight was still on, being hugged by a toddler and lighting up the wall behind his head. Well... on this one night (maybe even Sunday), I had threatened him that if he wasn't quiet, I would take his flashlight as a punishment. He started talking again so I went in and took it. He was quiet a little while before you heard some soft pleading that "I'll be good, can I have my flashlight... pleeeeeaaase?" Ok, I gave in (again!) and told him I'd give him another try and gave it back, said goodnight and shut the door. Mike and I were watching a show together and maybe 30min of near silence had passed when all the sudden, Evan was yelling like a banshee, top of his lungs and then we heard his fists hit the door multiple times. It took a minute for the shock to wear off so I could pay attention to what he was yelling at us. "Give me my flashlight! You took my flashlight! Gimme it!" Apparently he maybe fell asleep for a minute and forgot we gave it back and was now accusing his innocent parents of stealing. I cleared it all up and found his flashlight of which he apologized and repeated verbatim what I said to him. :)

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Father - Son Sleepover" Party"

Evan was still awake and talking to himself at 1030pm (bedtime was 8pm) tonight. What else is a parent to do but after scolding him so many times we were loosing our voices... but to get him up and let him go in our bedroom to watch sports with daddy while mommy watches Dancing With the Stars in the family room in peace! :) After about 10 minutes of 'peace', I get a picture text from Mike (13 feet away). Apparently Evan kept playing with my head bands and hair clips by the bed and told daddy to wear some too. :) It is perfect. Evan is lucky to have a daddy who doesn't mind wearing women's accessories! lol. :)

(clarification on cg's mysterious bumpy skin. she was given a clean bill of health today from our Pediatrician. saturday morning i noticed she had a grouping of zit/blackhead like bumps clustered on her right knee and later on her left ankle. i was concerned it could be staph or something but it didn't itch and she didn't have a fever. after the dr. today we learned it was nothing contagious nor is there really any medicine for it (boo!). because it's a contact dermititus, there's nothing really to do but keep it cleaned and maybe cortizone cream could help. i believe she got it from playing on the playground at our local elementary school on saturday morning. i hear that is something we have to 'look forward' to once they start school. 'can't wait'. now she has allergies or a cold or something and her nose has been running down to the floor for 2 days. poor thing but she'll make it. thank you for your concern, sorry to worry anyone)


Today we had to take CG to the doctor to see what some bumps she has on her knees are (contact dermatitis? from letting her - who has eczema - play on an elementary school jungle gym on Saturday). Annnnyway, Evan had was very excited to see Dr. Coleman as well, even asking her "can I stay here with you?" She is such a good sport and invited him to partake of a sticker instead.

Dr. Coleman: "Evan, do you want a sticker?"
Evan: "Yes!"
Dr. Coleman: "Ok, which one, here is a Hot Wheels one..."
Evan: "(inaudible)"
Dr. Coleman: "Do you want a Hot Wheels sticker?"
Evan: "No, I want Cold Wheels one."

ha ha ha hah ah a hah ha hah ah ahahhaha ha ha hah ah ... That made my day.

Monday, September 12, 2011

day "care"... lol.

Ha ha ha. So Friday Mike picked the kids up from day care and as I was at my overnight retreat an hour away (to be blogged at later date), he needed to text me how they did that day at day care. Well, Cora Grace came home with a shiner because a kid in her class threw a toy at her face. Evan had grass on his clothes and in his hair and scratches all over his face. There was no explanation given for that. The good news... they are both still adorable. WHEW!! :) I guess you can say they have been 'hazed' for their daycare initiation and hopefully won't ever come home with much worse. :)

Today we played with a cereal box. It was a challenge on the ever moving CG. lol.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Where were we?

September 11, 2001. Mike and I lived in my parents ("finished") barn in California. I had a job at a hair salon, he with an Asphalt company. Neither of us had to be to work before 9am and usually slept in till the very last moment (no earlier than 830a lol). At around 7-730a I think, our phone started ringing and woke us up. No one ever called that early and we were even more surprised for it to be my mother in law in Tennessee. She asked if we were watching T.V. then encouraged us to turn it on to see the news. I don't remember any more conversation with her. We both just sat there in stunned silence. So much was happening and being reported, we couldn't tell what was Live and what was play back. For me it just kept feeling like we (USA) were being attacked over and over till I got my barrings. Once I understood better, I called my parents in the main house of our property to tell them what was going on. My younger sister Jenalyn answered, she'd been exercising and watching what was happening. I remember feeling she had no idea what was really happening, she wasn't worried at all and hadn't told my parents what she was seeing. More proof how confusing and shocking this all was. We made sure my parents were watching. By this time the Pentagon was hit and I was in real fear. Somewhere in this chaos, I called my childhood friend Holly who lived in Connecticut at the time, to see if she was ok since she worked in a high rise building and evacuating cause I didn't know what was happening. It just seemed these people were flying planes into everything and I was scared. Even though there were no reports of the West coast being hit, I felt an eminent threat. After the last plane went down in Pennsylvania, I didn't want to go to work. I assumed clients would be as stunned and sad as I was but when I called work they said I was still booked, some even calling to make sure that "I" would be there. I just couldn't believe I was going to work on such a day. I was numb. Of course it was the topic of every breath and feeling in every awkward silence. Like most people, once home, I was GLUED to the television for days/week. This was a declaration of war IN the United States, on our soil. It was the ultimate burst of our innocence and naive lives. I was heartbroken and tearful for every death. The innocent people and families effected on the airplanes, in the WTC's and Pentagon. I was very depressed and even now, 10 years later, it is still sad that this event happened.
If I have to find something to be grateful for, I can only say, I am glad we are aware or more aware of these threats in our lives... but that doesn't help those lost on 9/11/01.
Today I have watched and gone to the Internet to watch/read/hear the stories again. I am uplifted to hear from families who have been able to pick up the pieces and move forward. I am sad for the families who have struggled to heal. I hope the memorial and new WTC will stand for healing, hope and resistance from Evil for all the world. I will continue to try to do my part to make a difference in my small ways, to make the world a better place. I will start by educating my own children with my experiences, hoping they will be prepared to stand up for righteousness when they face adversity. I pray we and they will prevail. I hope any of you that are grieving will be comforted and given peace. God bless you.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Big Girl Seat

I couldn't handle it anymore. We decided to go ahead and put Cora Grace in a big girl car seat. I really wanted to keep her in it till she was 2 but I couldn't wait. I also switched which side the kids sit on. It's only been one car trip but I love it! Evan is enjoying his new perspective from the driver's side of the car and Cora loves seeing mommy. Mommy loves seeing what Cora needs! Ahh. Also, I really wanted a normal color seat, like one that matches the car but this was all there was and I wanted it now. I was soooo over shopping, in the rain, with two impatient-needing to nap babies. So pink and floral it is. :) (the phone pic makes it look WAY pinker and brighter than it really is fyi)

Side note: I recently began attempting to make my own hair bows for Cora. I really need a class in it cause they're pretty lame but the kids love to play with them at least. CG lets them stay on for about 23 seconds on average but every once in awhile I distract her enough that she accidentally leaves them on for 30min! whoo hoo! The best part? Evan is so competitive for attention that every time I put a bow on Cora Grace, he asks for a "bow tie" in his hair. :) He is very insistant and even asks for them when she isn't wearing them now. I cannot deny his persistance and personally think he looks adorable... you be the judge. :) (one of my few 'successful' bows. I think he looks like Mini Mouse. lol)

he's gonna be so mad at me one day.. :/ he he he.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

15 months

I'm 15 months!
It's kind of random to document 15 months but Cora Grace is changing and growing so much I can't help it.
This dress is a gift from a family friend, Betty, in Nashville. I'm not sure what you call these dresses but they are extremely popular in the South, almost a 'must have' for a true southern child, in my observations. They are hand stitched I believe and quite a special effort is made in making every one. (that explaination is for my west coast friends/family to appreciate our special gift) Of course, Cora looks adorable in it, especially with her crazy curls.
Here are some things she is up to:
LOVES BABY DOLLS!!! She runs to them, grabs them up, kisses them and throws them up over her shoulder before waddling away with it on her shoulder. Adorable.
This baby is a fish. Loves water like her big brother but is more fearless then him in it (if that's possible). If she is in water, she is pushing her face in it quickly then coming back up with a gigantic grin and laughing. :)
Is so loving. Anyone who is sad or down, children or adults, she goes to see how they are doing and wants to comfort them. Maybe she'll want to be a baby nurse!
I love watching her naturally drawn towards girl things and ways. I gave her a little baby purse the other day and she immediately pulled it up on her shoulder and walked around with it.
She never goes in public with out a stranger stopping to compliment her cuteness. We went to see Thomas Train on Saturday and a Grandpa saw her from behind, across the room. He came up to see if she was as cute from the front. After he confirmed it, he called to his daughter who was on her cell phone then went to inturupt her on the call so she could verify. :) When she turned around, phone still in one ear, holding a young toddler on her other hip, she GASPED and goo gooed and ga ga'ed at Cora. It was more hilarious than flattering but definately sweet. The Grandpa was gushing over her then caught himself and looked at me to ask, "Well, you probably hear that all the time". lol. I must have had a crazy look on my face but I was honestly enjoying his reaction to her. I actually should have taken his picture cause he looked just like her with curly white hair. It was cute. Also, today our family did a little shopping today so we split up. Mike had Cora and later told me that at checkout of their store, the checker looked up and was taken aback. She said,"she took my breath away". Ahh... She takes our breath away every day. We are just so pleased to have these babies and their spirits in our home.
Something I think is cute is the fact that CG can run. She also jumps on Evan's jog trampoline (when he isn't looking of course, or he'd tackle her. very posessive) and is so gutsy on it!
Her CURLS! Ugh! They are so cute. She is a mess in the bangs and won't wear a bow (for very long) to keep them out of her face. :) I'm working on training her to like them. :) he he he.
She's STILL always happy (to be fair, so was Evan at this age) but she also, always content. Since she doesn't talk at all still, she's also so quiet and stealth.
Cora is SNEAKY! She gets away with everything. Evan totally get's blamed for things she does. Luckily he is very honest and I trust him to tell me the truth so I find out he didn't do it. She's also becoming more understanding and more 'helpful' by: putting things back, throwing trash away, if I ask her to put something in my room or in the hallway, she understands and does it. Something hilarious she does is knows when she's doing somthing she shouldn't and runs away from you giggling. Nothing is more adorable then that. Ok, there's lots of other equally adorable things but for today, it's pretty darn cute.
She likes to do what ever Evan is doing but is also content to be on her own.
She is so attached right now :/. It makes you feel good as a mom that she wants you but you feel bad when you have to leave her :(. Last week, leaving her at day care, she anticipated me dropping her off in her suite so she layed her head down on my shoulder and tightened her grip. so sad! Of course (they both) break my heart when I leave and they cry. boo hoo!
A fast eater. Since she was born, she started by INHAILING her bottles and now that she eats food, it's like she's in a contest. ha ha ha. Something else she does is if you give her the first bite of food, she will spit it out till she figures out the texture first. In my opinion, part of the reason for this is the fact our 2nd child has NEVER been fed with utensils and she likes to feel her food (unless you count her digets as utensils. lol. Poor girl.).
When you give her her cream IKEA knit blanket, she melts into it. It's the one she's wrapped up in before she goes to sleep. It makes her happy :).
SHE IS A MONKEY! Doesn't like to be held for too long cause she loves to explore, tries to climb and she gets into EVERYTHING. If there is a toybox, she has it emptied in 7 seconds flat. Cute now but quickly getting UN-cute. ha ha ha.
Loves to be chased and is starting to come get you too.

We are so in love with this baby. She does take our breath away every day. We feel so lucky to be parents to our children and Cora Grace just sweetens the pot. xoxoxo

Friday, September 2, 2011


So our fairy Godmother Kathy E. gave us tickets to go see Thomas the train (when he came in Sept 2011, yes this is a back post; done 6/25/12). I wouldn't say Evan is obsessed with Thomas but I would say he, at least at the time of seeing Thomas, sure loved him a lot! We wanted to show our support and all I had was a little bit too small LONG sleeve Thomas shirt. It was going to be a million degrees out so what's a girl to do but cut his sleeves off and put him in cammo shorts! lol. So here's our little buddy, excited for the day to begin! Ahhh.

They had bouncy things and other side toys to play on but he wouldn't do it! WHO is this kid? My kid loves to jump and I couldn't believe he was being shy about it. weird! :)

Maybe this is the reason... 20min there and you can already see the heat and sweat on CG's face. Poor thing was a pretty miserable 16mo old.

We got to ride on a kiddy train (in the sweltering heat, may I remind you) and Mike took pictures of us. He's the best.

Next up; Tattoos! Again Evan was very unsure about this which I was surprised about so brave Cora Grace had to show him how it's done.

True to her natural self, even sweating to death, Cora has a magnetism. The older gentleman to her right came right up to her and started talking to her. He was a grandpa there with his daughter and grandchildren. They were all mesmerized by her blond hair and curls and wouldn't really leave her alone for a good 10minutes! lol. They were sweet. If she would have pointed out something she liked and we said no, I'm pretty sure they would have bought it for her. Ha ha ha.

Meanwhile, brother was checking out the train display next to a HUGE fan to cool off. :)

Next we finally got to ride the Thomas let train along a small route in Nashville. We really didn't get to see anything but trees, limestone and maybe a factory but, although still HOT, the train was cooler than outside. The kids were mildly unimpressed by the trip and having to sit still only made them more tired unfortunately but nap time was quickly approaching. The last picture on the train says it all. :)

 blue icee anyone? ha ha ha.
 uh oh...
 zombie? lol
 so thirsty mommy!!
 "thrilled" ha ha ha to be a Jr. Engineer.
 not as 'thrilled'. ha ha ha.


After we went to the front of the train to see Thomas. At this point Evan was so tired...

... he was more excited about his Thomas balloon than the Train. Crazy kid.
 Later, Uncle Matt gave Evan his old train so Evan put on his GREEN Thomas p.j.'s, held on tight to his new balloon and told me to make the train go faster! You gotta love him. I do.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Sibling "Sweet"ness

Oh these babies, how do I love them... let me show the ways... :)

Nothing better than Christmas PJ's in August right?

Last week, we met a friend at Miller's Grocery (it's a quaint small town diner that is delicious!). Armed with only my phone camera (and thanks to and its editing genius), I had to sieze the moment outside. :)

"Cheese"! xo!

Here's a story for you. This is where we do 'time out' for Evan and Cora. Mostly Evan at this point but Cora Grace is wearing her own space in T.O. Anyway, what is happening here, and in most cases is... EVERY time in the last week that Evan is sent to time out, CG goes over and plops down next to him! lol. I will try to get a video of this. :) Michael took and sent this picture to me on Saturday. He said, when Evan got put in t.o. CG went over to him, bent down and gave him a kiss. swoon swoon swoon swoon!

I could NOT help buying them matching pj's. 1. Evan loves Thomas 2. cg looks AMAZING in blue/turquise type blues to be spacific 3. they were $3.00 on clearance at walmart... WINNING! :)

Two Sundays ago I made cupcakes for my SS class. I made a box frosting (it was wierd and marshmallowy - opps) so of course the babies got the beaters, just like a good parent would right?! ;)

It is next to impossible to keep anything on Cora's head. I have never put these hats on either child but it was real hot and sunny this day and I thought I'd try. You see how this worked out for our wagon walk.

I distracted her by letting her wrap her chubby fingers around mommies phone, instead of pulling her hat off. ;) I'm sneaky.

Obviously, my studly son has no problems with head gear. ;) I love that he's wanting to wear hats again. :)


Oh my gosh. Here's Cora Grace doing YOGA's 'downward dog' to entertain Evan during his sentence of two and a half minutes in Time Out. She's so thoughtful.
Please be as happy as me that Evan is totally smiling at her through her legs. :D

Now WE are all smiling at her through her legs. :) xoxoxoxoxo!