Thursday, March 17, 2011

38 pictures and stories?... OH MY!

a constant occurrence these days, a standing in her crib baby :)

playing in Evan's room. you can barely see Cora Grace in the sun soaked backdrop.

Lately, Evan is constantly aware if his shirts images and likes to tell everyone about them, here he is telling me, "19 Mommy, 19!".

Evan's IKEA wagon. We were playing with some cars on his floor when he says "Octagon!"I didn't know what he was talking about till he pointed out what he was talking about.. the nut on the wagon! What a crazy kid!? I am constantly amazed by what he see's, says and does (btw, it's not technically an octagon but I encouraged him that he was smart for looking for shapes everywhere).

"someone" loves Thomas.

I've got another reader. Whoo hoo!

Oh my, as soon as we had some warm weather, I didn't want to waste any time so I practically threw the poor kid outside in his diaper and his boots. He had the best time of his life, "shopping" in nature. lol.

I'm pretty sure this is Cora's first time touching grass....

... and I think she likes it. ha ha ha.

... maybe not. ha ha ha! She is soOOO adorable!! eeek!

Evan's beloved boots. Mom loves them cause they hose clean, Evan loves them cause they're cool.

He kept running up this rock and saying, "Up up up up up!"

Then ran back down saying/singing "Down down down down down". He does this when I'm driving and the hills go up and down too. I did NOT teach him this, it is something he has picked up on his own. Again, amazed.

words... anyone? I have none. eek. <3

I found these cocoons in our cedar trees and they were so beautiful I took many pictures. Just before posting this, I looked it up to find out that it is actually for a Bagworm and that it's actually a concern for landscaping as they hatch etc. I'm excited I learned something today about this. Now I need to remove these from my trees so they don't over take them. They have also attached to my weeping cherry so I'll start there with the removal process. Sad because they are really remarkable looking, don't you think?

This is sort of random but we got to play at a friends house and I thought it was funny that not only did we keep our babies behind a gate but also that C.G. is old enough and aware enough to get up on the gate like this and also come to where we are from across the room, just because she wants to be with us. Awww.

Here as you see, it got cold AGAIN!!! It had just Rain stormed the night before and brought a cold front with but I let Evan out anyway for the expressed purpose of trying to capture some mud puddle splashing. Here Evan is proudly pointing out a puddle. You would think he won an award. ha ha ha. He loves water and loves puddles now that I showed him he can jump in them and get a little dirty.

Mission accomplished
(though if i was a better photographer I probably would have known how to make this even better!)

This is our morning routine. I wake up to Cora crying out to please come get me, with a pitiful cry that Michael 'says' he doesn't hear (hmmm....). :). I make Cora's bottle and warm up some Ovaltine for Evan while getting him his gummy multivitamin. I usually get Cora first, change her diaper then take her to Evan's room (en route, Mike usually begins to wake up and help if I went straight to kids, he starts on bottle/ovaltine). Cora get's to play while I change Evan's diaper, hug them both and smother them with kisses, all the while Evan is asking for "Ovaltine?" over and over about 5-8 times before I actually let him have it. If Mike is still asleep but needs to be getting up, I bring the kids in our bed and plug their beverage of choice in. Usually I hold Cora and Mike cuddles Evan while they down their drinks. This particular morning Cora had not been feeling well and was a little zoned out but Evan was chipper. I decided to grab the camera to document their routine. I was glad I did.

Cause Cora Grace did this! She started trying to hold Evan's bottle up with her foot! LOL!. It was so funny and Evan calmly said, "No Cora, don't do that" to which she did... whatever she wanted.

She settled on this. Resting her leg on Evan's and instead of pushing her off, he just rubbed her leg sweetly.

And we all lived happily ever after. xoxo


Scatcat said...

soooo cute! As always and of course :-) I can't believe how big Cora is getting! I love how smart Evan is, and I love hearing about all their antics :-)

Anonymous said...

DARLING. Thanks for the post. They are growing up so sweetly and fast. Love you. Mom

James' Rants said...

Awwww, those are some sweet looking pics. Evan likes Thomas too. Ben loves his "Choo choos" he calls them. He got a 10 pack of Thomas DVD's for Christmas and we have been through them several times. He gets to watch them after his nap, or now before nap time while the NCAA Final four is on.

osj said...

I LOVE this post! Daily life is the absolute best to capture and you've certainly done that here. Do I see a trampoline in Evan's room? You finally got Michael to agree to get one . . . or you snuck it in? hehe. =) I love seeing Evan go to diaper and rain boots to sweater and hat. That's been the truth of our weather huh? The bottle and sippy photos are awesome. Love it!

osj said...

Oh! Oh! I almost forgot (somehow . . . ?). I love your "EEK"'s when looking at Cora Grace. It's so sweet. She is certainly a cutie.

osj said...

Dang! One more thing I forgot. See, you put so much in to one post that my little brain can't respond all at once. haha! The bagworms! We had those in our yard growing up and they were fun to decorate mud pies. They do look cool. Just sayin'.