Tuesday, November 15, 2011


I had to document this. Isn't it so sad what this beautiful babies back looks like? At the end of the summer Cora started getting dry skin and patchy skin. It wasn't to bad at first then as a month went by, it expoded! I unfortunately didn't know what I was dealing with and just hope she doesn't have this discoloration all her life. Then again, it's on her back (and a little on her arms and a leg) so hopefully she won't care. I know I love her dispite her minor imperfection. :) We love every inch of you baby. xo


Meghan said...

You need to come to my mom's on Saturday for the essential oils thing. Ericka can help you! :)

Jessica said...

Poor babe but she has hair that's to die for!!

Lee said...

This just hurts my heart! Poor little baby!

P.s. my current blog made me think of you and your crazy kids!

Walker's Wacky World said...

Cortizone cream works wonders. I use it on princess M when her eczema is really bad. I also use it on my own eczema. Just the over-the-counter kind, the other stuff should be used sparingly. Also, change your detergent and any soaps to anything that says "free of dyes and perfumes". This will help some. Also, if it is truly eczema, exposure to sun will actually help it a lot. My dermatologist actually recommended I go tanning. I don't suggest your baby girls does that. Ha ha, but she can play outside naked in the summer. Don't go buy expensive oils and stuff as they may make it worse, just keep it simple to lotions and soaps for sensitive skin. I use Vaseline intensive care for sensitive skin. And lastly, she will grow out of it for the most part, and the patches will go away.
no biggy.