Oh yes he does. It has become apparent that I will have to document this in full color. :) I would like to back track and say that at Easter, I felt like I should prepare Evan for potty training this summer so in his basket went Yo Gabba Gabba and Thomas Train underwear. I was definately of the school that I wouldn't start him till he was ready. Still, I wanted him to think about it and would ask him if he wan't to use the big potty like Mommy and Daddy etc. Eventually he was interested, wouldn't you know it. I started him out on the big potty then "Evan's, little potty" and we'd cheer him on any time he pee pee'd (he's yet to go #2 in the potty as of this post). He loves it and is very encouraged. Still, I feel all this is considered 'training' untill I can get a training manual. ha ha ha. So, on to the "poop" part. I know I've already talked about this a little in a few posts but I'm trying to condence and add to the story here. A few weeks ago, Evan romoved his own diaper when he was alone in his room and it had #2 in it. He dumped it out on the carpet and (myself still unaware...) realizing his folly decided to 'clean' it up. Oh no. He got his wipes down from his dresser and proceeded to clean up his mess. Well... needless to say he made it so much worse and even got it on himself. GROOOOOOOOSSS. gag. This is when I walked in and eventually cleaned it up the best I could. The next week we rented a Rug Doctor from the super market so I could clean both kids grimy floors. It worked like a DREAM and I was sooooo happy with it... for a week. Evan did it again, in Cora's room only he didn't mess with it. I was able to get it up much easier but my clean carpet was now.. not. The next week, he and Cora were playing unsupervised in her room when I heard silence... suspicion set in. As I came around the corner, I saw sweet Cora Grace put something in her mouth, simultaniously I realized Evan was standing to the side, no diaper on and poo poo pellets on the ground. OH MY GOSH! I yelled NO! to Cora and hit her hand from her mouth as she spit out the object in her mouth. POOP!!! ugh!!!!! Yes I wanted to die and yes I'm gagging again as I think about it even though it was 2 weeks ago. I grabbed both babies, threw Evan in the bath tub and stearnly told him to 'stay there'. :) Little C.G. got a double tooth brushing/mouth cleaning and a hand and foot wash. Evan was given a cold bath (so he can remember doing this isn't good. He sees baths/showers as a reward, so poop wash offs are cold water showers.). I was resolved to be more attentive that he's done this when I've let him play alone, something in the past he was very good at. eh hum... I didn't learn my lesson. :( I blew up a new pool for the back yard yesterday as it has been well into the 90's and even said 100+ in my car the other day. Given Evan's love of the backyard and all things water, I knew he'd love it. WRONG. It's a dinosaur one and when you hook it up to do it's magic extra things, it sends a shower out its mouth and a 'volcano' of water spurts in the air. Two things normally that would make him elated only the dino head moves back and forth when the water is turned on high. He literally ran away from it screaming and later that hyperventalating cry kids do. ;( I thought maybe he was just tired so I tried again a few hours later, even going in with Cora myself to coerce him. He would have none of it. Today, I planned on all of us going in the pooled water part without turning on the volcano or the dino head going on but Evan not only said no, he refused to go in the back yard. I was shocked, sad and bummed cause I thought now C.G. and I couldn't get our swim on without him with us. Light bulb. I decided, he could stay in his room playing with his toys but could see us from his window and she and I would still go 'swimming'. He did not fight me cause he did NOT want to go outside. We were out there for about 20- 30min max and I could see him in the window pretty much the entire time. The last 5 min he wasn't at the window but we were getting out anyway so I figured, he was just playing cars. Oh now my friends, he wasn't playing cars. I came in his room to find him naked and sitting on his changing pad that is on top of his dresser, 'wiping' poop off his legs, crotch and changing pad with his wipes. I scour the room with my eyes to see where the 'bulk' of the mess has landed. MUCH to my disappointment I find a very clean, slightly wet diaper on the floor but no poop. I'm scared at this point and watch my every step. I found a smear on a stuffed animal, on the floor and a second on the same stuffed animal but no 'bulk'. I was really worried now so, from the mouth of babes... I asked Evan where his poop was. He said, "I pooped in the book" and pointed to his Thomas book at my feet, I slowly opened it and found the 'evidence'. gross. So I recorded this for my mom and Mike. Lucky for you all, I found it important to also share with you. ;)....
There are a few 'half glass full' moments from this. I'm glad he realizes poop feels bad and needs to be somewhere else (now if I could only teach him to put it in the potty! ha ha ha). I feel encouraged that any day, he'll go poop in the potty and we'll be on our way to being trained. So, send all your laughs, sympathy and prayers, it is needed. :)
Oh GROSS GROSS GROSS! He is so stinking cute though! (HA pun not intended!) Please tell me you threw the book away!!
...And so it begins!
Because we and our boy are dealing with poop issues too... I feel that it entitles me to find this very very funny... and NOT be a bad friend for it.
I wish I had some good ideas for you. Does he do this the same time of the day? What do you do with a kid who has so much imagination? I will keep you in my prayers. At least it was easier to clean up in the book? Love you
Hate to say it but it sounds more behavioral than accidental. It's Evan's way to get back at you. I would supervise and have him help you clean it up. :)
oh boy. you told me about the first part of your post but the second half is new. I am SO sorry!!!! Serif's been in underwear for aBout 6 weeks now. he's done great with peeing in the potty and staying dry (for the most part). he will NOT poop in th potty though. we've gone through various emotions and reactions and my latest research said to "leave it alone, don't pressure them and they'll come around". i guess stress doesn't help them go. I'm not fully convinced, but I'm trying to lighten up on him. like you, I keep thinking, "Any day now!". haha! thankfully Serif just pushes his 'hiney' out towards us, grabs the 'lump' in his pants and says, "I pooped!"
lol, so sorry you're dealing with this. I honestly have no real advice. I'm just clueless on what to tell you and thankful it's not happening to me!!! at least yet. =)
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