Monday, June 20, 2011

The Daddy of our home...

My Dad

35395, Children’s Songbook, Home and Family, My Dad, 211
My daddy is my fav’rite pal,
And I help him ev’ry day.
It’s plain to see I want to be
Like him in ev’ry way.
He teaches me that honesty
Is best in all I do.
I’m very glad that he’s my dad,
And I know he loves me too.
Words and music: Carol Graff Gunn, b. 1929. © 1957 IRI

Our Michael is a great Dad. These are some of the reasons we love him:
He has many gifts and one is humor and he needs one with us kids.
He laughs at us whether we are good or bad.
Even though he wants to sleep or even nap, he still feeds us, plays and hugs us. :)
Dad is the best diaper bag packer of ALL TIME.
He loves our Mommy and does nice stuff for her.
He works hard for our family.
He reads to me all the time -Evan
He lets me treat him like a jungle gym during church then nap on him in Sunday School. - Cora Grace
He's a great lawn mower, trash taker outer, bathroom cleaning, bed making, dish washer and laundry folder.

We love you so much Daddy. Mom forgot to take our picture together today so we will do it this week sometime. Thank you for loving us and taking such good care of us.
Love, Evan and Cora Grace

1 comment:

Mama Mary said...

I love the Daddy of your home too! Anxious to get my weekly hugs again. . . soon! Do you think he will still hug me if I don't make sacrament bread?